Строительное агентство современный шаблон joomla - Construction Co. - Joomla функциональный шаблон

Joomla шаблоны Отзывы: 4 (5.0) Скачано: 64 ID: 52412
строительное агентство современный шаблон joomla
Скриншот - Строительное агентство современный шаблон joomla - Construction Co. - Joomla функциональный шаблон

Описание шаблона:

Joomla функциональный шаблон - Construction Co. - Construction Agency Modern Joomla Template, отлично подойдет для сайтов в сфере Строительные компании.

Функциональность шаблона:

  • Bootstrap
  • Адаптивный дизайн
  • Поисковая оптимизация
  • Выпадающее меню
  • Быстрый старт
  • Расширенные настройки темы
  • Блог
  • HTML 5
  • JQuery
  • Parallax
  • Пример наполнения
  • Галерея
  • HTML plus JS
  • Панель управления
  • Google карты
  • Forum

Тематика шаблона:

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(машинный перевод)

Отличный шаблон.Я выбираю этот шаблон, поскольку он точно соответствует бизнесу моих клиентов.


I recently bought this template 52412, I bought it for a construction company. This template is Gold for me what do I need more a construction template for a construction company. I have a lot of factors when I choose a template the first thing I look is for the template to be clean and simple. It’s very important for the persons that visit the website and have a clean image so they can stay more at the website and at the end get in contact and so the company can make new contracts and new constructions The second reason I choose this template is for the way that the main page is presented. My client loved the small images bellow the big beautiful slider so he can there put a construction and bellow the company’s logo that do the construction with him. Below this there are round images my client told me that the round images are perfect to put work in progress there because as you know when you build something for example a building around the building there is chaos you don’t want the client to see that chaos so you can easy cut it with round images. So it’s perfect for the company to present the work in progress that has. The third and important reason I choose the template is for the beauty. This template is very beautiful. I can say now that i hear all the times from my clients the oh sound, they make it when they something that they really love and this is the sound in this case that my client did and with the oh sound gave me the satisfaction the he is happy. Everyone knows what means happy client. I what to talk about me a little. I am a web designer and I make websites for living. I don’t know any think about coding, html, css. But thanks to template monster I can provide for my family. I can tell you a lot for choosing a template from template monster they really work very good but the most important reason to trust template monster is the support they provide. It is more than support it works 24 h to 24 and they solve all of your problems. This is power in your hands and all of you should really try to feel the experience of the support they have. So anyone can make templates but little support them in the right way so I choose template monster. This was the important reason that I choose this and not only this all the templates I get. Template monster gives you the power to make your clients happy and this is all that matters. You should try jut get a template from them. Thanks a lot from Greece, keep on the good work Spyros Romanos


Шаблон может быть установлен очень быстро. Его очень легко настроить стиль. Есть много хороших модулей в комплекте.

строительное агентство современный шаблон joomla строительное агентство современный шаблон joomla строительное агентство современный шаблон joomla строительное агентство современный шаблон joomla строительное агентство современный шаблон joomla строительное агентство современный шаблон joomla строительное агентство современный шаблон joomla строительное агентство современный шаблон joomla

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Теги шаблона:

технология компания строительство услуги архитектурный архитектура здания бюро конструкции традиция дизайн предприятие дома инновация планирование проекты решения стратегии поддержка команда работа клиенты партнеры небоскребы