HTML5 новый шаблон - Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering Responsive Website Template, подходит для сайтов в категории Гражданское строительство.
Очень хороший шаблон! Мне так понравилось и поэтому решила его купить
Я выбираю шаблон из-за его простоты и в то же время полноты для разработки веб-сайта для инженерной лаборатории. Макет и стиль внутреннего контента были чистыми, что упростило наш процесс переноса шаблона на веб-сайт на основе Jekyll, а затем для настройки его в соответствии с нашими потребностями. Мой первый шаблон от Template Monster, и я обязательно вернусь в будущем.
Hello, My name is Ing. Juraj Kertesz, owner of the webdeveloping company GRANDIOSOFT in Slovakia. We create beautiful websites and online stores. We always have to make cool websites, thats why we need the best designs. Weve recently bought the Civil Engineering Responsive Website Template for our new client. They are going to present their sewing services on the web. This design matched nearly all the criteria, which our client needed. They needed a layout with colors of their existing logo, orange + white + black colors. And also what was very important, we needed a template with not too much text in it. Although this template was not exactly a template for sewing services, but it didnt matter for us, becouse we replaced the images, and the result is perfect. The final version of the website absolutely fulfilled the clients expectations. What they also really like, is that the layout looks very good with their existing logo. I have alreay contacted the templatemonster support a few times, I have excellent experiences with all people from the templatemonster support and online chat. I like this online chat very much, becouse I get answers absolutely immediately. Templatemonster offers very cool templates for good prices. I give 5 stars out of 5. Thank you Templatemonster. Best regards, Ing. Juraj Kertesz
I love the layout of this site. It has everything you need to know on the home page with easy navigation from all over the page. I really like the font-awesome integration allowing you to change your icons easily to suit the site you are building. This site is being done in a hurry and as a professional web designer who is really, really busy i need to be able to turn around sites quickly. The straight forward easily followed css can be easily changed if you are in the know, but equally if you are not very good with code you can copy and paste code where you want it or just fill in in the content where the place holder text is. I liked this template as it is versatile and has a lot of the things you need on a company website and i am doing a site for a construction company so the theme fits really well to my concept. It is my ethos to be able to get somewhere in 3 clicks or less and this allows me to do this, as nearly everything on a page can be a link to somewhere else. The color scheme is great and again with a wee bit of knowledge it can all be altered if you need it to me. If you get stuck or need help with something or really dont know what you are doing, Template Monster offer installation packages, content population to name but a few of their support services. I cant recommend them enough and its my one stop shop for templates.
Шаблон, шаблон сайта Civil Engineering Responsive #51243, хорош, но меню в режиме смартфона не интуитивно понятное. Я думаю, что важно пересмотреть эту часть. Извините за мой английский :)
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